Virtual exhibition: “Capture The Future”

The mobile AR application accompanying the virtual exhibition “Capture the Future(s): OUR BIO-TECH PLANET”. It is an innovative tool by Art & Science Node Berlin. It enables the exploration of interactive art pieces using Augmented Reality technology. Through its use, viewers have the opportunity to discover works of art without the limitations of museum or gallery space. The application provides users with a non-hierarchical 3D interface. It helps guiding them through a world of interaction between art, science, and technology. This allows for the exploration of diverse themes, ranging from biological inspirations to social issues.

The virtual exhibition “Capture the Future(s): OUR BIO-TECH PLANET” was presented during the Plant Biology Europe Congress in 2021. The event took place in a virtual space and featured artworks created by both established and emerging artists. It served as a platform where science and creativity converge to explore ecological, cultural, and socio-political issues. The developers believe that in the face of the challenges of the Anthropocene, it is worthwhile to draw inspiration from the wisdom of nature.

Capture the Future(s). Exhibition
Photo by Art Science Node Berlin
Photo by Art Science Node Berlin
Photo by Art Science Node Berlin